“Students, this is an E-flat alto clarinet,”
our band directed explained, holding up a long black instrument with a curved
silver bell at the end. “Fingered just like the B-flat clarinet, it is pitched
lower and provides harmony. I would like to add a few to our woodwind section.
If you are interested, see me after class.”
The director immediately had my attention. Though I enjoyed being part of the band, with 30 Bb clarinetists, I never felt I contributed much.
Having an alto voice in choir, the alto clarinet appealed to me. Though rarely in the spotlight, they add a fuller, richer dimension to the music. Their contributions are no less significant; they are just less visible. The instrument also resonated with me because I have an “alto” personality—rarely taking the lead but instead finding fulfillment in supporting and contributing to the efforts of others.
I immediately fell in love with the alto clarinet and practiced for hours every day. Our band director was delighted! He and I both worked hard over the next three years as he helped me to perfect my technique. With his encouragement, I placed at county, district, and regional band festivals.
Sometimes in life we may feel less talented or that our gifts are less important than others. However, 1 Corinthians 12 tells us, “There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served. There are different abilities to perform service, but the same God gives ability to all for their particular service. The Spirit's presence is shown in some way in each person for the good of all.”
God has purposefully and uniquely gifted each of us. He provides the diversity of strengths, passions, and abilities necessary in all aspects of life. Over the years God has often asked me to play a supportive role—organizing inventory, writing communications, setting up venues, etc—a role, like playing the alto clarinet, that I have found great joy in!
Whatever your part may be, play it with all your heart, giving your very best. It’s a part God has written just for you and your performance is needed to complete the masterpiece.
Be encouraged!